Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Garcia's 11/26

Out for drinks and dessert with J on Black Friday...now that's how you kick off the Christmas season! First up was the classic Garcia's fried ice cream. I have had the dish before, but this was a very worthy order! Caramel and chocolate and who-cares-how-many-calories made this dessert super good!
We also ordered sopapillas. I hadn't tried them and wasn't sure what to expect. I envisioned something like a scone and was a little put off by the heavy bread thing that came out. The menu promised honey and cream cheese to top the sopapilla with. I found it very funny that by honey, Garcia's meant a mini packet of Kraft Pure Honey- something like what you'd get at a fast food place! As for drinks, if you like it tart I recommend the electric lemonade. Does NOT mix well with ice cream- but very yummy in it's own right!

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